Our Story
We are Plantible, a biology company unlocking the power of plants to promote the health and longevity of people and planet.
Our first mission is shaping the future of food. How we nourish our global population is the greatest humanitarian and environmental challenge of our time. On top of that, food poses the greatest challenge of all: it must taste delicious.
Today, most of us know that doing right by our planet and our future requires moving away from animal-based food production, which is destroying our environment. But existing alternatives to animal protein are just that: alternatives. They’re more expensive, less tasty, and oftentimes, less healthy.
At Plantible, we’re tackling this problem from the ground up. We've built a robust, sustainable, and scalable supply chain that harnesses the power of plants to produce novel foods, starting with a toolkit of better plant-based protein ingredients. We work with pioneering food brands to create better plant-based products that are affordable, tasty, and nutritious, making animal-based protein the less desirable alternative.

Rubi Protein™
We’re making Rubi Protein™ ready to use in the food and beverage products you know and love, from baked goods to animal-free burgers and cheeses.
We believe that all food can be plant-based — even protein. Grown, not raised. Regenerative, not depleting. Clean and lean, not messy and opaque. Real food that tastes really, really good. Nutritious, functional and delicious -- with no compromises. Rubi Protein™ makes this possible.